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#Post Twenty Nine : Nails#14 Eleanor ENP 023 / OOTN#02 Golf Annual Dinner

Hey guys, am doing a short post before i get to bed. Its a Saturday so I wish everyone having an amazing weekends ya. 

today will be blogging about my outfit yesterday night went to attend Golf Annual Dinner 2012. Dad need all of us to attend every year.

Yesterday after the dinenr, I changed my nails color.

Let's get started !

Outfit of the Night 

Necklace - Forever 21
Dress - Lavendress from Facebook 
Clutch - Aldo
Heels - Pedro
Watch - Tag Heuer


my current nails.

this purple is so pretty. 
bought this from SaSa.

That's all for today.
Hope you guys enjoy my super short blog.
take care. 
see you guys soon

Thank you

please do check out my previous blog. 



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