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#Post Forty Four : Nails#23 Gradient Nails & How To Do Gradient Nails

Hello Thursday ! Back to my nails tutorial. Before i get started, I wanted to show you guys how to use a nails buffing.
Do a manicure or pedicure at the nails saloon are so convenient and the saloon had everything. you can do spa or whatever treatment or whatsoever. Nails saloon are for those who doesnt have time/willing  to spend money/dont even know what to buy or how to do their nails/some of them only do it for special occasions.

Now you can go anywhere to purchased a nail buffer at your local store. Example, SaSa. It only cost RM5.90 for one. if you want to get a better one maybe will cost you around RM15.

Let's get started !

This nail buffer only had both side, some with four sides ( if i not mistaken ) 

Step 1 : What you need to do is to remove your nail polishes on your nails ( if you did apply on that day ) clean it properly with cottons. 
Step 2 : you can trim your nails ( your choice ). File your nails as you normally would, rounded, oval or square look best on you.
Step 3 : Starting with the roughest grit side of the buffer ( the picture above on the green surface , begin to buff your nails gentle, side-by-side motion. Buff your nails surface is to smoothen out major ridges.( you can repeat it the same steps till you are satisfied )

Step 4 : With the last ( smoother ) part of your buffer, starts to polish your nails until they looks like you just put on clear nail polish.
This gives you a healthy looking nails. Its really smooth, shinney & easy to buff your own nails at home. you dont have to waste your time applying base coat on your nails. Use a buffer move up & down, left & right, side by side and you are Done. :) Do try it :)

Now, i'll be showing you guys how to do Gradient Nails. ( i do apologize for the colors I've choosen. it looks more like a watermelon if i added black dots as the seeds ) Am not sure whether my tutorial will help but i really hope that it really could help you guys :)

Let's get started !

OPI base coat
Salley Hansen Mega Shine
Sally Hansen - Biege
Elianto - glitters
Splash - apple green
SaSa Color Combos - pink
Topshop Nails - Turqouise 

Step 1 : apply a base coat to protect your natural nails

Step 2 : apply white or biege on your nails as a base so that the colors will be easy to blend in. Don't have to be perfect.

Step 3 : Use a make up sponge, you can get it in any store Sasa, Daiso. Dont need to be pricy.
Use the pink, gren & turqoise apply on the sponge like how i did on the photo above

Step 4 : gently dept on the colors on your nails. Don't have to worried about the access. You will have to clean it with a cotton buds or any abandon small make up brushes and nails remover.

Step 5 : Repeat the same steps again. Apply the three colors on the sponge and dept it on your nails again. Now you can see the colors are pop out and then quickly apply a top coat to seal in your designs. 

Final look : With flash 

Final look : Without flash

That's all for the tutorial. I hope you guys will understand my steps and do try it on your own. Its very easy and pretty on your nails :) 
Hope you guys like it.
See you soon 

Thank you



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