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Post Seventy Six : My Hair Update for Chinese New Year

Hello Readers ! As you can see that my hair from long hair to really really short hair ! 
I was planning to cut this short for quite some time but I doesn't had the guts yet to cut it.

I kept my hair since 17 years old. Of cause I did trimmed my hair sometimes cause the end of my hair always dry and tangle together ( The very last time I went to perm my hair and you knew that once you perm your hair, you don't have to comb your hair ) till today I doesn't have the habit to comb my hair. 
Another thing was my hair was really long, I washed my hair only during the alternate days cause I'm so freaking lazy to wash my freaking long hair but sometimes I was really lazy till I didn't wash for 3 days :) 
My hair takes damn long to dry up even I use a hair dryer.

Finally I could had a different hairstyle as before for Chinese New Year. New Year, new Beginning, New Hairstyle. 

NOW, I can wash my hair anytime I want. I don't have to take long time to dry up my hair. Comb hair ?? maybe when I wanna style my hair :p

The first photo above was the before I cut my hair.
The other four of the photos, before and after I style it ! 
Whenever I didnt want to curl it, I will just straighten it inwards so that it doesn't looks too much volume.
If I had any special occasion, I'll just curl it using the straightener as well. ( I love how my fringe curl using the straightener. is just so elegant )

Chinese New Year is around the corner, have you guys started to decorate your house with your family, buy some drinks or cookies for CNY ?? 
I haven started doing it yet for my house cause am lazy :( Gonna start doing something for my house real soon ( by next week ) 

Hope I'll have the time to blog more often for you guys :)
Good night and take care !

Where I used to cut my hair : 

Hair Stylish :


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